Hablamos - “We Speak”
Hablamos takes users on a compelling language learning journey not only through unique features such as virtual tutors but also through familiar techniques like memorization games and flash cards.
Problem Statement
Alicia is an incredibly busy young professional. She wants to learn Spanish, but needs to find an effective way to do so around her schedule. By learning Spanish, she is opening up personal goals, being able to travel to Spain and communicate with the locals, but can also potentially use this new skill in her work life.
• Adobe Photoshop • Google Forms
• Balsamiq • POP - Prototype on Paper
• Flowmapp • Sketch
Research + Analysis
Analyze competitor flaws and identify user pain points within language learning products.
Determine key features to include within my own design.
Understand how users currently source language learning tools and their time commitment levels towards these products/services.
Key Insights
Most people who want to learn a new language do not have the time to devote the traditional way.
Some users would prefer a more personal experience, aka a tutor, incorporated somehow into an app that they can access according to their schedule.
Having games and flashcards are easy and simple for quick memorization techniques.
A young professional looking to expand her communication skills for job growth and personal enjoyment, however, too busy to commit to formal language training courses.
Play a Game
Complete Tutor Session
Concept + Design
Low-Fidelity Wireframes Created in Balsamiq
Upon download, users will experience a more in depth onboarding experience than most apps.
First, Hablamos will prompt the user if they are signing up or logging in. If logging in, they will go directly to that screen and fill in their information to begin use.
If signing up, users will need to select a language they want to learn, then choose if they have any experience level with this language. If beginner is chose, they will be directed to the signup screen. If Advanced is chosen, they will be given a placement test to accurately place them at a comfortable starting level.
After the onboarding process is complete, users will then be greeted on the home screen, revealing their progress and opening up navigation for activities offered within the app.
Low-Fidelity Wireframes Created in Balsamiq
Earn Game Points
To earn points towards leveling up, users can play a game by selecting the “game” icon in the bottom navigation. Varying by level, the user can choose which theme they’d like the game to be. The games will vary from crosswords, to bingo, and once at more advanced levels to crossword puzzles. If won, the user will gain points towards leveling up and can play again. If lost, the user will not gain any points.
Low-Fidelity Wireframes Created in Balsamiq
Virtual Tutor Session
To offer our persona an extensive learning experience that fits her busy schedule, Hablamos offers virtual tutoring. Like playing a game, the user is able to choose the theme for their session. From here, they can choose to watch the lesson from this theme, submit a prerecorded video from their recording, or book a one on one session with an Hablamos tutor.
If watching a lesson, the user will play the video, then proceed to record their own video revealing what they’ve learned in the pre-recorded lesson. They will then submit this for a tutor to approve within a 48 hour time frame and earn points towards leveling up.
When the video has been approved, an alert will appear on the home screen where the user can then review their notifications.
Prototype + Usability
Usability Testing
I conducted three in-person moderated usability tests with three participants total. I had users interact with the clickable prototype through POP - Prototype on Paper on an iPhone and recorded their interaction with iPhone Voice Recorded/took handwritten notes.
Challenges: Since this was my first experience with testing and I had taken handwritten notes, I miss many quotes and could not watch genuine reactions from my testers.
Solution: In future projects, I will always do screen recordings with audio and the user’s interaction with the prototype so I can watch their reactions and assure I am gaining all feedback to evaluate.
Despite having limited notes during this testing, I still gained enough qualitative feedback to improve my products.
Next Steps
Develop mid-high fidelity wireframes and establish more architecture for the app.
Conduct a second set of usability tests with the updates to make sure they are flowing well for users.
Add an additional task analysis/user flow for "Flash Cards" or "Add Vocabulary" to assure all sections of the app are flowing well together.
Graphics: Sketchify via Canva